Christmas play scripts
Christmas play scripts

christmas play scripts

MOTEL CLERK 3: I’m sorry, I don’t have any vacancies. JOSEPH: Then I need a room, and could you call this person. We have someone in town who delivers babies in our homes. MOTEL CLERK 3: Our nearest hospital is over 70 miles away and she doesn’t look like she’d make it that far. (Joseph now speaking to the 3 rd motel clerk)

christmas play scripts

MARY: Joseph, I think the baby will be born tonight, we must find a hospital. (As they go into the 3 rd motel, Mary who is tired & worn and beginning to have pains, holds her stomach and says) (He and Mary go on to the 3 rd motel.) (The 3 rd clerk is standing on the left side of the front of the church) You will probably have a hard time finding a room. There is a big Christmas celebration in our little town of Bethlehem. MOTEL CLERK 2: I’m sorry, I don’t have any rooms left. (He and Mary leave and go to the next motel.) (The 2 nd clerk is standing in the front center of the church) (Enters motel – a clerk is standing in the front corner of the church) (To the clerk, Joseph says) (He puts his arm around Mary to support her). JOSEPH: Hold on, Mary, we are almost there. (From the back of the church, Mary speaks.)

christmas play scripts

(Mary and Joseph walk down the center aisle to the back of the church, turn left, then walk up the side aisle to the front) We’ll have to walk to get a room for the night and fix the car tomorrow. MARY: Oh Joseph, what are we going to do? Mary and Joseph should be in the middle aisle, about 4 rows down. Someone makes the car sounds, then the car dies. They drive down the center in a cardboard cutout of a car, each carrying one of them making it look like they are riding in it. (Mary and Joseph enter through the side door in their car and drive to the center aisle turn. As they are traveling in their car just outside Bethlehem, Pennsylvania… Mary, who is very pregnant, and her husband Joseph are on their way to Jerusalem, Ohio to spend the holidays with family. The scene begins with the Angel sitting high off to one side singing – “Oh Holy Night” (1 st verse)ĪNGEL: The time is early evening, the year is 1995. This play was written by a very active mother, Cheryl Roan for her daughter’s Sunday School. No matter which hemisphere you belong to or religion you follow, everyone looks forward to Christmas and its festivities. Christmas is one of the few holidays that has the capacity to bring the world together.

Christmas play scripts